Ětharvaveda- Ayurveda( As mentioned by Charaka and Sushrutha).Vedas have an internal classification in it called Upaveda. Some where we might have observed that Atharvaveda has been miss spelt as 'Atharvanaveda', which is absolutely wrong. Atharvaveda has its major portion from Rigveda itself. But still we are considering Atharvaveda as a fourth Veda, which is not an offence, but still this is the truth. That's why, in Shastra and Puranas, Vedas are stated as 'Trayee', which means three. But we can observe that so called fourth Veda, the Atharvaveda is made by taking the main concepts from the three Vedas for the purpose of simplification. They are Rigveda, Yajurveda and Samaveda.

Birth of Mars from Earth, both tilted at 23½ degrees. It is a compilation of hymns but lacks the awesome grandeur which makes the Rig-Veda such a breathtaking spiritual experience.Regarding Vedas, We can surely state that there is no confusion or argument about knowledge which is stated and described in them. Secrets of Bermuda Triangle Mystery revealed in Rig Veda, Atharva Veda, Brahmanda Purana. The Atharva-Veda (the wisdom of the Atharvans) is called so because the families of the atharvan sect of the Brahmins have traditionally been credited with the composition of the Vedas. The Veda also outlines various chants which should be sung to pray and pay respects to the various instruments which are involved in the sacrifice. The Yajur-Veda or the wisdom of sacrifices lays down various sacred invocations (yajurs) which were chanted by a particular sect of priests called adhvaryu. There are painstaking instructions in Sama-Veda about how particular hymns must be sung to put great emphasis upon sounds of the words of the mantras and the effect they could have on the environment and the person who pronounced them. These were meant for the priests who officiated at the rituals of the soma ceremonies. Get access to the latest 7 - THE VEDAS (Rig veda, Sama veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda) prepared with TNPSC course curated by Kalairaj K on Unacademy to. The Sama-Veda or the wisdom of chants is basically a collection of samans or chants, derived from the eighth and ninth books of the Rig-Veda. The most often addressed gods were nature gods like Indra (rain god king of heavens), Agni (fire god), Rudra (storm god the 'howler'), Soma (the draught of immortality, an alcoholic brew). It contains 1028 hymns (10,589 verses which are divided into ten mandalas or book-sections) dedicated to thirty-three different gods. As a body of writing, the Rig-Veda (the wisdom of verses) is nothing short of remarkable. Its traditional date goes back to 3000 BC, something which the German scholar Max Mueller accepted. It is said that earlier there was only one Veda and to make it easier to read, it was divided into 4 parts. It includes astrology, mathematics, science, religion, medicine, nature, astronomy etc. Henotheism is the idea that one God takes many different forms, and that although individuals may worship several different gods and goddesses, they really revere but one Supreme Being. Answer: Veda is the worlds oldest written document. Some Vedic hymns and poems address philosophic themes, such as the henotheism that is key to much Hindu theology. The four as a group came to be viewed as sacred in Hinduism. Four collections were made, so it is said that there are four Vedas. The Veda was composed in Sanskrit, the intellectual language of both ancient and classical Indian civilizations. Samaveda gives greater importance to sacred fire rituals whic. Sacred Fire and fire Offerings or Sacrifices are given importance. The oldest literature of Indian thought is the Veda, a collection of religious and philosophical poems and hymns composed over several generations beginning as early as 3000 BC. Answer (1 of 4): Rigveda praises vedic gods, gives importance to Sun, Fire, King of Gods, Creator, Creation, Medicine, Food, Drinks, Earth, Sky, Water, Directions etc.