Il doit donc tre appris par cur comme une poigne de verbes d'usage trs courant tels que l'auxiliaire tre, les verbes faire, aller, dire.
L'auxiliaire avoir est le plus utilis et possde une conjugaison compltement irrgulire. In the English temporal system, the inherent semantic properties of a verb grow out of the lexical verb being combined with its corresponding aspectual class. Le franais utilise deux auxiliaires: tre et avoir. To discuss activities that are currently in progre. Identify the verb tense or mood of the bolded word(s): 'aa' vowel followed by 'ei' matra, creates 'au' vowel. 'a' vowel followed by 'aa' matra creates 'aa' vowel. Learn more about Lingolia Plus here Le plus-que-parfait – Lingolia Plus Exercisesīecome a Lingolia Plus member to access these additional exercises.'i' vowel followed by reph, creates 'ee' vowel. With Lingolia Plus you can access 17 additional exercises about Le plus-que-parfait, as well as 624 online exercises to improve your French. | Imparfait form of être + past participle of descendre.| Descendre is an irregular verb.|In constructions using être, the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject (Juliette → feminine singular). Juliette (descendre) par les escaliers.Est-ce que tu (voir) déjà ce film? | Imparfait form of avoir + past participle of voir.| Voir is an irregular verb.The je, tu, il/elle/on and ils/elles form have the same pronunciation of the verb and the particip pass. | Imparfait form of avoir + past participle of vouloir.| Vouloir is an irregular verb. Pronunciation of Avoir Plus-Que-Parfait Conjugations There is 1 important rule to take into account, when you want to pronounce an avoir plus-que-parfait conjugation. | Imparfait form of avoir + past participle of recevoir.| Recevoir is an irregular verb. Est-ce qu'elles (aller) déjà dans ce restaurant? | Imparfait form of être + past participle of aller.| -er verbs construct the past participle using é.|In constructions using être, the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject (elles → feminine plural). Most verbs construct the plus-que-parfait using avoir, however être is used as the auxiliary verb in the following cases: with 14 verbs of motion and staying still: naître/mourir, aller/venir, monter/descendre, arriver/partir, entrer/sortir, apparaître, rester, retourner, tomber, revenir, rentrer, remonter, redescendre, repartir.The other tense used will depend of the context of the action. (Because of the concordance des temps, it can be used with any past tense. It’s about an event in the past that took place before another past event. Remember – not all verbs follow the typical conjugation rules. Plus-que-parfait is made if an auxiliaire (Etre or Avoir) conjugated in Imparfait tense + a participe pass. | Imparfait form of avoir + past participle of chercher.| -er-verbs construct the past participle with é.Ĭomplete the sentences using the correct plus-que-parfait form of the verbs in brackets. Study Flashcards On Plus que Parfait, le conditionnel pass, et le futur anterieur. | Imparfait form of avoir + past participle of rendre.| Rendre is an irregular verb.|See the list of irregular verbs. Posséder de quelque manière que ce soit être en possession, en jouissance de quelque chose. | Imparfait form of avoir + past participle of choisir.| -ir verbs construct the past participle with i. The French pluperfect subjunctive is an extremely rare, extremely formal verb form. Madeleine et Guillaume (choisir) ce chien. Le Plus-que-Parfait du Subjonctif Le Plus-que-Parfait du Subjonctif.| Imparfait form of être + past participle of rester.|-e r verbs construct the past participle with é.|When using the être construction, the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject.

| Imparfait form of avoir + past participle of vendre.| Vendre is an irregular verb.|See the list of irregular verbs. Complete the sentences using the correct plus-que-parfait form of the verbs in brackets.